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UI/UX Design | Machine Learning Tool
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UI/UX Design | Usability Test | Simulation Tool
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UI/UX Design | Shipped Educational Game
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Interaction Design | Shipped Virtual Reality Experience
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UI/UX Design | Visual Design
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UI/UX Design | E-hailing Experience

Interpretable AI Dashboard for Medical Risk Prediction
Medical Dashboard | AI Tooling
🏆Best Paper Award

HCI Research Publications
“Leveraging the Twitch Platform and Gamification to Generate Home Audio Datasets” was accepted to the DIS 2021!
“Multi-Modal Repairs of Conversational Breakdowns in Task-Oriented Dialogs”
was accepted to the UIST 2020 and received Best Paper Award!
“Privacy-Preserving Script Sharing in GUI-based Programming-by-Demonstration Systems” was accepted to the CSCW 2020!
“Towards Effective Human-AI Collaboration in GUI-Based Interactive Task Learning Agents” was accepted to the CHI 2020 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for HCI: A Modern Approach!
“Field Trial Analysis of Socially Aware Robot Assistant” was accepted to the AAMAS 2018!